Arrival Policy
Students should arrive to school on time and prepared to learn. School hours are as followed:
Mondays - Thursdays from 8:00 am to 3:15 pm
Fridays from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon)

If we have delays or early dismissal due to weather, we follow the guidance of the Worcester Public School System & we will inform you via Remind.
Doors will be opened 15-minutes before school starts.
Students should arrive at the school no earlier than 7:45 am, fifteen minutes before classes begin.
All students MUST be picked up Mondays - Thursdays by 3:15pm and Fridays or 1/2 days by 12:00pm. If you are unable to pick up your child by 3:30pm AT THE LATEST on Mondays-Thursdays and 12:15pm AT THE LATEST on Fridays & half days you must have a plan in place with authorized pick up persons or services.
To prevent after school charges (ASC) and to avoid invoking the state's laws against child neglect/abandonment please comply.
**It is the parents responsibility to ensure that their child has been admitted to the school building by a teacher when they arrive at school.
** We open and close the school 15 min before the start & 15 min after the end of each school day. PLEASE BE ON TIME