Our goal is to maintain the most affordable rates in order to provide as many children with a Christian education as possible to fulfill Isaiah 54:13: "All your children shall be taught of the LORD, And great shall be the peace of your children."
Adventist education is an investment in your child's physical, mental and spiritual development, not just for now, but for eternity! We like to say, "Adventist education doesn't cost - it PAYS!"
Tuition payments...may be made by cash, check & online . All details will be shared in your meeting with the treasurer to complete that portion of the registration.
2024-2025 Tuition
Tuition Assistance for eligible SDA Church members who apply. ** Non-SDA churches may match or offer other tuition assistance. Ask your church leadership! |
Yearly |
Monthly for 10 months |
Yearly with 3-way Plan application |
Monthly w/3-way Plan application for 10 months |
Kindergarten |
$4,100 |
$410 |
$2,700 |
$270 |
Grades 1-8 |
$4,050 |
$405 |
$2,650 |
$265 |
10% discount for each additional child $85 registration fee + a $200 Technology fee for each student in addition to the monthly tuition payments. |
It is essential that monthly tuition payments be paid ON TIME. Tuition is due or or before the 1st of each month. Payments are made over a 10 month period, August- May or September -June. ****PLEASE UNDERSTAND that If you sign up for the Sep-June term and school ends in late May YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT LAST PAYMENT in honor of the services rendered.****
2. Tuition balances:
- All outstanding balances from the previous year(s) must be paid in full prior to registering for the current year .
- If you have balances that are more than 1 month overdue, your child/children will not be allowed to return until formal arrangements have been made between the parent and the treasurer or school board.
3. Discounts:
- A $100 discount applies for upfront payment of the entire year ,
- $50 discount applies for upfront payment of the entire semester &
- $5 off/month for on time monthly payments.
- A 10% discount applies for each child enrolled after the 1st one!!
We know every little bit helps!
4. Registration fee: There will be a $85 registration fee & a $200 Technology fee for each student in addition to the monthly tuition payments. These fees cover the cost of their laptop, accident insurance, achievement testing, P.E. equipment, textbook and workbook purchases, among other things.
5. Remember students are expected to be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the school day has ended. NOTICE: Late pick up fee begins at 3:30 p.m. or 12:15 p.m. . After school charges (ASC) will be $10.00 per hour billed on a 1/2 hour basis ($5.00 per half hour or any part there-of), meaning each 15 minute segment would be $2.50 per 1/4 hour or any part there-of.
6. Scholarships: If you plan to apply for the Southern New England Conference's (SNEC) or Northeastern Conference's (NEC) 3-way plan for financial aid, it is your responsibility to complete the form and submit it to all necessary parties.
- Click to access the SNEC 3 WAY Plan Application!
First semester deadline for SNEC 3-way plan applications must be submitted to the Southern New England Conference by October 31st & Second semester deadline for SNEC 3-way plan applications must be submitted to the Southern New England Conference by March 31st.
- Click to access the Northeastern Conference's Scholarship portal
- Please click here for all SNEC Scholarship options.

Please use the Registration Portal to begin the registration process.